CUKKA has been on TRT OKUL Television's 4th episode of "Future Technology" school TV series in news story titled "No More Lost or Stolen!" selected and broadcasted by TRT OKUL Television on 2 May 2013 Thursday 21:15 and 5 May 2013 Sunday 13:05. Please click here to watch video archive of the programme. We would like to thank everyone who worked in TRT OKUL production team, to viewers and to our product users for showing their interest! TRT OKUL Gelecek Teknoloji Programı 4.Bölüm Fragmanı TRT OKUL Gelecek Teknoloji Programı 4.Bölüm CUKKA® "No More Lost or Stolen" TRT Okul Reception Info Digitürk 66 • D-Smart 105 Teledünya 130 • Tivibu 155 Türksat (Batı) 42º • Frekans 11.919 Pol V • Sembol 24444 • FEC 3/4 |
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February 2017